Many people were involved in the development of the Archive, the creation and maintenance of the data it contains, and the ongoing website design and development. Unless otherwise noted, project team members are based in the DAACS laboratory within the Department of Archaeology at Monticello.
Project Director, DAACS
Jillian E. Galle
Director of Archaeology, Monticello
Fraser D. Neiman
Current DAACS Archaeological Analysts
Leslie Cooper (Since 2001)
Senior Archaeological Analyst
Lynsey Bates (Since 2007)
Archaeological Analyst
Elizabeth Bollwerk (Since 2014)
Archaeological Analyst
Digital Maps & Stratigraphic Analysis
Leslie Cooper
Lynsey Bates
Elizabeth Bollwerk
Derek Wheeler
Beatrix Arendt
Elizabeth Sawyer
Information Technology Support
Database Design, Support, and User Interface Design:
Tim McDaniels, Senior Developer and Managing Partner, Convoy, Inc.
Logo and Website Design:
Matt Thomas, Art Director and Managing Partner, Convoy, Inc.
Michelle Hamson, Graphic Designer, Convoy, Inc.
Quality Assurance:
Matt Shadel, CEO and Managing Partner, Convoy, Inc.
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia
DAACS Research Consortium Web Application Project Director:
Worthy Martin, Director, IATH
Database and DRC Web Application Programmer:
Robbie Bingler, Senior Programmer Analyst, IATH
Monticello Information Technology Support
Derek Wheeler
Research Archaeologist and Programmer
Anthony D’Alessio
Director of Information Technology
Jesse Sawyer
Systems Analyst
Contributing Monticello Staff
Derek Wheeler
Research Archaeologist
Beatrix Arendt
Curator of Archaeological Collections
Katelyn Coughlan
Monticello Archaeological Analyst
Elizabeth Sawyer
Monticello Archaeological Analyst
Christine Devine
Monticello Archaeology Technician
DAACS Cataloging Protocol Manuals
Jillian Galle and DAACS Staff, Leslie Cooper, Lynsey Bates, Jesse Sawyer, and Beatrix Arendt led the development of cataloging protocols. In addition to current DAACS staff and steering committee members, Monticello current and former Archaeology Department staff, Fraser Neiman, Jennifer Aultman, Sara Bon-Harper, Derek Wheeler, Donald Gaylord, Karen Smith, and Nick Bon-Harper also contributed to the development of cataloging protocols. Jennifer Aultman and Kate Grillo produced the initial versions of these DAACS manuals in 2003. They have been substantially revised by Cooper, Galle, and Bates in the intervening years.
Faunal Analysis
Joanne Bowen
Curator of Zooarchaeology, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Steve Atkins
Associate Curator of Zooarchaeology, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
DAACS Caribbean Initiative Staff
Jillian Galle
Fraser Neiman
Leslie Cooper
Ivor Conolley
Executive Director, Archaeological Consultants of Jamaica (2007-present)
Lynsey Bates
Suzanne Francis-Brown
Curator, University of West Indies Museum, Mona, Jamaica (2008-present)
Clive Grey
University of West Indies, Mona, Jamaica (2008-present)
Rohan (Rim) Patterson
Sherwood, Jamaica (2008- present)
Krystal Edwards
Kingston, Jamaica (2009-present)
Christopher Graham
University of West Indies, Mona, Jamaica (2011)
Brian McCray
Karen Hutchins
Susan Payton
Emeritus Contributing Staff
Beatrix Arendt
Archaeological Analyst, DAACS (2001-2007)
Jennifer Aultman
Curator of Archaeological Collections, Monticello (2002-2004)
Kate Bakich
Director of Information Technology, Monticello (2000-2007)
Nick Bon-Harper
Laboratory Assistant, Monticello (2001-2004)
Sara Bon-Harper
Archaeological Research Manager (1999-2012)
Sara Corker
Field Assistant, Monticello (2003-2005)
Paul Fritz
Director of Information Technology, Monticello (2008-2012)
Donald Gaylord
Monticello Archaeological Analyst (2004-2012)
Kate Grillo
Laboratory Assistant, Monticello (2001-2002)
Karen Hutchins
Archaeological Analyst, Monticello (2005-2006)
Brian McCray
DAACS and Monticello Lab Archaeological Analyst, Monticello (2007-2010)
Amy Newman
Laboratory Assistant, Monticello (2004-2005)
Susan Payton
DAACS Archaeological Analyst, Monticello (2010-2011)
Leigh Ann Perry
Associate Director of Information Technology, Monticello (2000-2012)
Jesse Sawyer
Archaeological Analyst, DAACS (2001-2014)
Henry K. Sharp
DAACS Archaeological Analyst, Jamaica Team (2005-2006)
Karen Smith
Curator of Archaeological Collections (2004-2012)
Leah Stearns
Laboratory Assistant, Monticello (2004-2005)
Kimberly Zawacki
Archaeology Lab Manager, Monticello (2000-2002)