2023 Historic Artifacts of Suriname Artifact Identification Workshop
Historic Artifacts of Suriname Guide. Created for the Historic Artifacts of Suriname Artifact Identification Workshop presented by DAACS at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, April 3, 2023. (PDF:8 MB)
2018 SHA Workshop Handouts
Handouts for the Doing Research with DAACS Workshop presented at The Society for Historical Archaeology, January 3, 2018. (PDF:17 MB)
2016 SHA Workshop Handouts
Doing Research and Teaching with DAACS Presentation, presented at The Society for Historical Archaeology, January 6, 2016. (PDF:17 MB)
Teaching with Digital Archaeological Data: A Research Archive in the University Classroom, By Anna Agbe-Davies, Jillian Galle, Mark Hauser, and Fraser Neiman. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (2014) 21: 837-861. (PDF:500KB)
2016 SHA Worskhop Datasets
Ceramic Ware Data. Open to download Excel File.
Ceramic Vessel Form Data. Open to download Excel file.
Ceramic Decorative Genre Data. Open to download Excel file.
Syllabi and Projects that Use DAACS
- Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies’s The Archaeology of African Diasporas (ANTH 454), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Syllabus and Projects. (PDF:200KB)
- Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies’s The Science of Archaeology (ANT 120), Depaul University: Syllabus and Projects. (PDF:100KB)
- Dr. Cameron Monroe’s and Dr. Greg O’Malley’s Slavery in the Atlantic World (HIS 158C/ANTH 179), UC Santa Cruz: Syllabus and Projects. (PDF:4MB)
- Dr. Fraser Neiman’s Archaeological Approaches to Atlantic Slavery (ANTH/ARH 3603/7603), University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Fraser Neiman’s Historical Archaeology (ARH 3704/7704/ ANTH 3850/7855), University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Fraser Neiman’s Quantitative Analysis I (Anthropology 4840/7840), University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Jillian Galle’s Research Methods and Techniques in Archaeology (H28A), University of the West Indies, Mona: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Jillian Galle’s Unearthing the Household: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Archaeology (ANTH284) , The University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
Teaching with DAACS, a two-hour workshop presented at The University of South Carolina, October 1, 2015
University of South Carolina Workshop Handouts
Teaching with DAACS Presentation, presented at USC, October 1, 2015. (PDF:9 MB)
Teaching with Digital Archaeological Data: A Research Archive in the University Classroom, By Anna Agbe-Davies, Jillian Galle, Mark Hauser, and Fraser Neiman. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (2014) 21: 837-861. (PDF:500KB)
Syllabi and Projects that Use DAACS
- Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies’s The Archaeology of African Diasporas (ANTH 454), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Syllabus and Projects. (PDF:200KB)
- Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies’s The Science of Archaeology (ANT 120), Depaul University: Syllabus and Projects. (PDF:100KB)
- Dr. Cameron Monroe’s and Dr. Greg O’Malley’s Slavery in the Atlantic World (HIS 158C/ANTH 179), UC Santa Cruz: Syllabus and Projects. (PDF:4MB)
- Dr. Fraser Neiman’s Archaeological Approaches to Atlantic Slavery (ANTH/ARH 3603/7603), University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Fraser Neiman’s Historical Archaeology (ARH 3704/7704/ ANTH 3850/7855), University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Fraser Neiman’s Quantitative Analysis I (Anthropology 4840/7840), University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Jillian Galle’s Research Methods and Techniques in Archaeology (H28A), University of the West Indies, Mona: Syllabus and Projects.
- Dr. Jillian Galle’s Unearthing the Household: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Archaeology (ANTH284) , The University of Virginia: Syllabus and Projects.
Doing Research with DAACS, a day-long workshop presented at The University of South Carolina, October 3, 2015
Workshop Handouts
Doing Research with DAACS Handouts, presented at USC, October 3, 2015. (PDF:15MB)
USC Worskhop Datasets
Ceramic Ware Data. Open to download Excel File.
Ceramic Vessel Form Data. Open to download Excel file.
Ceramic Decorative Genre Data. Open to download Excel file.
NEH July 2016 Worskhop Datasets
Ceramic Ware Data. Open to download Excel File.
Ceramic Form Data. Open to download Excel File.
Ceramic Decoration Data. Open to download Excel File.