Circle Band 17


The decorative arts term for this element is a guilloche (shown here on Black Basalt). A band composed of two or more elements twisted/wound together horizontally, resulting in circular openings that are often filled with “ornaments,” in this case botanical elements.
Stylistic Genre: The genre for this stylistic element depends on a combination of decorative technique, color, and element.

Stylistic Genre:

The genre for this stylistic element depends on a combination of decorative technique, color, and element.


Cataloging Example for Depicted Sherd:


Stylistic Genre
None (Leave field blank)
Interior/Exterior Location Decorative Technique Color Stylistic Element Motif
Exterior Handle Sprig Molded No Applied Color Circle Band 17 Individual A
Exterior Handle Sprig Molded No Applied Color Cordoned Individual, Repeated B