One or more incised or molded straight bands encircling a vessel.
Stylistic Genre:
The genre for this stylistic element depends on a combination of decorative technique, color, and element.
Cataloging Example for Example A:
Stylistic Genre |
None (leave this field blank) |
Interior/Exterior | Location | Decorative Technique | Color | Stylistic Element | Motif |
Exterior | Body | Incised, lathe/engine-turned | No Applied Color | Cordoned | Individual A, Repeated |
Cataloging Example for Example B:
Stylistic Genre |
Blue, molded/stamped/incised |
Interior/Exterior | Location | Decorative Technique | Color | Stylistic Element | Motif |
Exterior | Body | Incised, lathe/engine-turned | Not Applicable | Cordoned | Individual A, Repeated |
Exterior | Body | Painted under, lathe/engine-turned | Purple-Blue, Intense Dark | Cordoned | Individual A, Repeated |
Exterior | Body | Incised, lathe/engine-turned | No Applied Color | Cordoned | Individual A, Repeated |