Tile Corner: Fleur-de-lis 01


A stylized lily composed of three petals bound together near their bases. This element should be specifically used for fleur-de-lis in the corner of Delft tiles.  This example is not illustrated in Van Dam and Tichelaar 1984.

Stylistic Genre:

The genre for this stylistic element depends on a combination of decorative technique, color, and element.

Cataloging Example for Depicted Sherd:


Stylistic Genre
Applied Crystals, purple
Interior/Exterior Location Decorative Technique Color Stylistic Element Motif
Interior Base Painted, under free hand Purple, Intense Dark Tile Corner: Fleur-de-lis 01 Individual A
Interior Base Painted, under free hand Blue, Intense Dark Tile Corner: Fleur-de-lis 01 Individual A
Interior Base Applied Powder/Crystals Purple, Intense Dark Solid Individual B