DAACS, in collaboration with Dr. Mark W. Hauser and Northwestern University, is proud to launch data from from three sites at the Morne Papate Estate in Dominica. All data from the excavations, including field records, artifacts, and field drawings, were analyzed and cataloged to DAACS standards. They are now freely available to the public via the DAACS website.
Survey and excavations were conducted by Hauser in 2011, 2015 and 2016. Three major areas of were testing using shovel-test-pit and unit excavations. Read more about these sites here:
Morne Patate Locus 1: Estate House and Dependencies
Morne Patate Locus 2: Village for Enslaved Laborers
Morne Patate Locus 3: Possible Provision Grounds
Access all of the artifact, context, spatial, and image data in the Query the Database section of the DAACS website.